Whenever you are in need of HPE server parts or an upgrade to get more performance from your enterprise products, you can put your trust in EMPR Group. As New Zealand's top authorised supplier of certified HPE genuine equipment, we make the widest range of premium quality HPE equipment available to you. In our stock, you can find the most sophisticated server parts, including those for Proliant Servers, Storage Arrays,Alpha Systems, RackSystem, Server Management Hardware, Enterprise Notebook PCs and much more. With over 15 years of extensive experience in supplying genuine server parts, the EMPR Group hires a team of industry experts that carefully chooses each product before it finally hits the market. What sets EMPR apart from its competitors is the fact that it has a strong relationship with some of the most famous world's brands including HPE, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba and Brother.
Recognised as a 100% customer-centred company, we operate across a wide network of sales departments in Australia and New Zealand. Don't forget that we also offer amazing monthly promotions and special offers. Visit us now and don't miss out the best deals on the market.